Young attorney Bryan Wilson has become a YouTube star thanks to his intense, and borderline insane, online commercials. 


Say hello to Bryan Wilson, a young attorney from Texas trying to put himself on the map and separate himself from the competition. Wilson began posting his over the top YouTube commercials awhile back but only recently have people outside of Texas discovered them. Hard to narrow down my favorite part of the video above, but you'd have to feel safe if your attorney breaks down your front door to make sure the cops have a search warrant for your house, RIGHT?


I'm pretty sure Wee-Man from Jackass makes a guest appearance in this gem. If you're tight on time, fast forward to last 40 seconds of this commercial and watch as our American hero Bryan Wilson drives his motorcycle through the wall of a police station and breaks up a false breathalyzer test. He's a man of the people. I think this should immediately be the new strategy for all lawyers. Can you outdo the other person when it comes to YouTube commercials? Ready, set, go!

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