WATCH: New England Man Transports Injured Deer In The Back Of His Subaru
Growing up in New England, most people have a healthy respect for the wild deer population that exists throughout the region. That respect was on full display in Massachusetts, as the Braintree Police Department shared of video of something you don't see everyday on Facebook.
Yes, that is an injured deer in the back cab of a Subaru. Just by chance, the Braintree animal control officer was on their way to a nearby animal welfare center in Weymouth, Massachusetts to drop off an injured raccoon. The officer was flagged down by a motorist, who revealed that they had come across an injured deer in the road, and was hopeful to get the deer some help.
The Braintree PD did appreciate the effort and extent to which the Good Samaritan went, however, want to remind the public throughout New England, that transporting wildlife in your vehicle can be extremely dangerous and lead to potential hazards for both the animal and yourself.
The story does have a happy ending. The deer was checked by the medical staff at the wellness center and was not seriously injured. It ended up being released back into the woods.
This situation could have ended differently. Kind of like this scene from the movie "Tommy Boy".
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