Why Fix Your Bumper When You Can Just Put A Shovel On It Like This Person In Maine?
We've spent some time detailing Mainers and their incredible ingenuity in the past. But this particular case, shared on Reddit by StrangeChicken, well...this is a real piece of work.
There weren't many details given, so we'll try to fill in a few blanks. Clearly, whomever came up with this idea drives a car that is registered in Maine. It appears they have a bit of a bumper sitch, but rather than bring it to the local auto body shop, a lightbulb went off. Why pay your hard-earned money on repairs when you have a random snow shovel handy that's not getting any use right now. Problem solved.
Beyond the shovel blade, the chicken wire to hold this wonderful piece of engineering together is a nice touch. And while there's little doubt that this would fail an inspection in .2 seconds, it does make you sit back, nod your head in approval and say, "man, wish I would have thought of that".
ps. One commenter suggested that the shovel should have been turned the other way as a makeshift plow. There's still time to work on that before the winter. Safe driving.
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