A Message from Toucher and Rich to the WCYY Fans
Hey, guys, hey,
When Fred and I started doing radio together when 98.5 The Sports Hub launched in Boston, we were set for disaster. At least that’s what all of the newspapers, bloggers, and media experts predicted. After all, we were the new morning show of a gigantic sports station, yet neither of us were professional athletes. Every other show in town had either guys who had played the game or guys who wrote about it. Fred was a rock radio host, and I was the frontman of a failed hardcore band.
But Fred and I were unified in one belief: we didn’t like sports radio… at all. So we promised ourselves that if we were gonna get fired, we would go down doing it our way.
Surprisingly we weren’t fired, and even more surprising: we found that there was an army of people who too were sick of the current state of radio, and they found us.
Instead of X’s and O’s, we became friends and drank with athletes, busted their balls as they busted ours, talked metal and hip hop instead of box scores, respected our audience instead of loathing them, and built something massive. Soon we were the No. 1 show in the region and had a fanbase of the most die-hard listeners in the industry.
And now, somehow fate and very wise program directors have brought us to your market, and we couldn’t be more excited to have you be part of Toucher & Rich. So from me, Fred, Jon Wallach, and all the other regulars on our show, thank you for listening, and we’ll do our best not to suck.
Steak and eggs,
KEEP READING: Here are 50 of the most famous sports goofs
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