Boys Who ‘Bought’ Mills and Shah an Ice Cream Get a Thank You
Two boys from Saco got a thank you for Governor Mills after they sent her and Dr. Nirav Shah five dollars to buy ice cream.
Connor and Carter Valliancourt of Saco made a card, taped a $5 bill inside, and mailed it to Governor Mills at the Blaine House. They wanted to thank her for the efforts that she and Maine CDC director Nirav Shah have made to keep Maine as safe and healthy as possible.
At the end of the April 23 CDC briefing, Governor Mills shared the card the boys sent in and thanked them for their kindness.
Last week, Connor and Carter received a note in the mail from Governor Mills and a gift for both of them.
Connor and Carter -
Thank you so much for the lovely card and for the five dollars for an ice cream which I shared with Dr. Shah...last week.
Enclosed are two challenge coins from me as a thank you - one for each of you.
Thank you and God bless you!
Janet Mills
Connor and Carter's mom shared a photo of the boys posing with the note and challenge coins from Governor Mills with big smiles on their faces.
This will be a memory these kids have for the rest of their lives.
By the way Carter...sweet Millennium Falcon shirt! Do you know if it comes in XL?
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