Another New England destination is reopening and adjusting to the COVID-19 world we live in. Plimoth Plantation located in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Plimoth Plantation is an immersive experience that's fun and educational for the entire family. When you visit, you're transported to an entirely new world. Actually, it's more of an old world. The 1600s, to be specific. Guests get an up-close and personal look at life for the Wampanoag People as well as the Colonial English Community.

Plimoth Plantation offers powerful personal encounters with history built on thorough research about the Wampanoag People and the Colonial English community in the 1600s.

They officially reopen to the public tomorrow. The open exhibits include; The Patuxet Wampanoag Homesite, the 17th-Century English Village, The Nye Barn, and more.

They do ask that visitors purchase their tickets in advance as they are limiting the number of guests each day. They also ask that masks be worn while visiting.

You can get all the details here. A visit to Plimoth Plantation is just a 2 and a half-hour drive from Portland. Perfect for a family road trip this summer!

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