Police in Wells have warned people to not go further in the water until further notice as a great white shark sighting has been confirmed.

The Wells Police Department made the announcement on Twitter on Thursday afternoon (August 13), saying that the Maine Marine Patrol confirmed the sighting of a great white shark off the Wells Harbor bell buoy. No further details were given, but police said there would be more information to follow.

After Maine had its first fatal shark attack in Harpswell two weeks ago, authorities have been keeping watch for more sharks off Maine's coast. 63-year-old Dimperio Holowach of New York City was killed after being attacked by the great white shark that experts believe mistook her for a seal.

For now, if you plan to be in the water in the Wells are, police ask that you go no further than your knees for your own safety.

If and when more information is released on the shark sighting, we'll update this story.


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