Maine Drank The 6th Most Beer In The Country In 2017
In case you didn't know, beer is really popular in the United States. Americans consumed nearly 7 BILLION gallons of beer in 2017. VinePair took to separating the data into state-by-state numbers and answering the question of which state drinks the most beer? And if you live in New England, you're probably not going to be surprised at the results.
VinePair found that New Hampshire drank the most beer per capita in 2017. The average NH resident downed an astounding 40.6 gallons of beer last year, that's nearly 5,200 ounces of beer in different terms. After some quick math, that works out to the average NH resident downing 325 standard sized pints per year. Yikes.
Maine ranked 6th amongst all of the states when it came to beer consumption. The average Maine resident sipped down 269 pints in 2017. If we take it a step further, that means the average Maine resident is crushing about 5 beers per week. We really love our beer.
Vermont also ranked in the top 10, coming in at #9. The tabulations were done based on population size versus consumption, which makes Texas the "drunkest" state in the union. They drank the 10th most beer in the country per capita, but their population is HUGE. In the end, Texas residents downed nearly 650 million gallons of beer in 2017. Get your beer to Texas RIGHT NOW.
Maine still rates as a destination for all things beer, and the population of the state is clearly playing along.
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