The sign game is a tough one these days. Every business, community center and church has got one and how do you make yours stand out? You could make it bright and flashy, you make it taller or larger than the rest, OR you could throw up a message on your sign that makes people do a double or triple take- Hello Corinth Baptist Church, welcome to the party.

Reddit via robotdick
Reddit via robotdick

Shared on Reddit by robotdick, here's another instance of a church placing a sign in plain view for the public and most of us responding with, "wait, what?". It would be disingenuous to believe this sign was put up with the intention of a double-meaning, but given the world we live, most people are going to take it that way.

So there it is, a sign that certainly will not cleanse your dirty mind, but perhaps it inspires you to get on your knees. Well played Corinth Baptist Church, well played.

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