Where Is All The Canned Cat Food On Grocery Store Shelves In Maine?
It feels like it was years ago since the epic and ridiculous toilet paper shortage that existed in grocery stores across the country. It wasn't just toilet paper at that time, as several items became difficult to find as demand and panic increased. But those demands have been satisfied and panic has subsided, leaving most shelves at grocery stores everywhere fully stocked. Except for one particular aisle, the pet food aisle. Here in Maine, you'll find most shelves nearly bare of any and all canned cat food. What is going on?
According to the Morning Call, the answer is far more complex than you may realize. Stores around Maine like Hannaford, Shaw's, Target and Walmart haven't just decided to not restock the shelves, the demand for canned cat food as well as fresh dog food has skyrocketed during the pandemic. That increased demand hasn't been met with increased production, leaving supply issues prevalent at stores from coast to coast.
But that isn't the only issue facing stores and consumers right now. The winter, and all the travel issues it can cause, has also created a large hole in smooth delivery of new product. The winter has been particularly harsh in the middle of the country, and many shipments to the northeast have been delayed because of snowy or icy conditions.
So when will it end? The vague answer is soon. Production levels have increased and winter is approaching an end, which can only spell good things. Brands of canned cat food like Sheba and Fancy Feast should return to store shelves in full by mid-March or early-April.
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