Portland International Jetport Warns of Extra Noise and Changed Flight Patterns Through Early June
Construction on a taxiway at Portland International Jetport will change planes ability to land and take off from the west until the work is done. The new flight pattern will create more noise over neighborhoods that don't typically hear it in the earliest and latest hours of operation.
"We are reaching out to all of our neighbors to ensure they are made aware of a change in our flight pattern due to a construction project on the airfield,” stated Paul Bradbury, Airport Director in a press release dated April 27, 2017. “We recognize that this project will impact a number of residents who don’t normally experience aircraft taking off or landing over their homes in the early morning or late evening.”
If you hear a little extra rumbling before your alarm and see some extra blinking lights late at night, it's just those Portland Jetport planes taking off and landing on a different runway. No cause for concern!
Read the full press release from the Portland International Jetport. The work will begin on Monday, May 15, 2017 and wrap on Friday, June 6, 2017.