Ryan Reynolds May Have Revealed ‘ Deadpool 3’ Plot a Year Ago
Speculation about the plot details for Deadpool 3 has been everywhere, but we might have more hints than we think. The execs at Marvel and Disney are usually pretty tight-lipped about this kind of thing until we have a trailer, and sometimes, even after. That being said, all it took was a little bit of digging through Twitter to get some potential context.
Back on January 28, 2021, Ryan Reynolds tweeted about the plans for Deadpool 3 prior to Disney getting their hands on Fox.
For those not familiar with the film, Rashomon is a critically-acclaimed samurai film by the legendary director Akira Kurosawa. The film played with a really interesting narrative device, that we hadn’t really seen in movies up until that point. The movie centers around the death of a samurai, and it’s told by the people who were involved in his life before the time of his death. You get differing perspectives from everyone, and some of the characters are less reliable than others. Regardless of who you are, that could be a pretty cool take on Deadpool.
Now that Hugh Jackman is officially back as Wolverine, fans have begun to pick the idea back up and run with it. Despite the events of Logan going down the way they did, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman released an explainer video, but it’s not exactly clear. They claim they’ll explain everything, but all they really say is that Logan is set in 2029, and they're not touching that continuity. Does that mean Deadpool 3 is set before Logan? You can watch the video below, but you won't get far before it’s interrupted by “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.”
As of now, you might just have to wait until September 6th, 2024, when the film is set to appear in theaters!
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