The Great Lost Bear Is Doing A Scavenger Hunt Across Portland For Their Anniversary
Plenty of restaurants have come and go in Portland over the course of the last forty years, and the Great Lost Bear has seen it all. To celebrate their 40th anniversary in business, they've put together a pretty elaborate (and totally fun) scavenger hunt that anyone can participate in.
Shared on Facebook, the Great Lost Bear placed 100 stuffed bears across Portland in plain sight. Each bear was fitted with a number and if you find one, you can bring it into the restaurant for a prize.
The scavenger hunt began on Saturday, so some of the bears have already been found. But looking at the GLB Facebook page, there haven't been any current updates that the hunt is over which likely means that there are still bears out there to be found and prizes still available to be had.
So be on the lookout. If you see a random stuffed bear staring back at you in Portland, you might want snap it up and collect your winnings. Good luck!