After Months Of Problems, Bissell Brothers Forced To Change Dog Policy At Their Tasting Room
If you're someone who makes it a point to visit all of the breweries in the greater Portland area, it wouldn't come as a surprise to see a few dogs hanging out in those hot spots. The tasting rooms at most breweries in Maine are low-key, laid back places where beer lovers and their pooches come together for a nice, relaxed hang. But as the tasting room crazy continues to grow in popularity, so too will the scrutiny. Especially when it comes to the rules and regulations put forth by the state of Maine.
That likely led this post by Bissell Brothers Brewing on Facebook. They express their love for dogs still exists, but for legal reasons dogs will have to be banned from their tasting room both inside and outside. The "ban" will go into effect on May 1st.
For some, this will be unfortunate news. We've been to the amazing space Bissell Brothers calls home several times, and there have been instances where dogs almost outnumbered people. But the issues Bissell speaks of are likely to pop up at other tasting rooms across the state. It's not that people and dogs don't mix, it's that people, dogs, health code violations and other stuff don't mix. It's the way of the world when it comes to regulations.
So when you venture out on your beer tour this spring/summer/fall, just remember to leave Buster at home. You can always bring him home a souvenir dog collar.
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