Biddeford’s Bloom Continues As New Starbucks and Five Guys Locations Are Set To Open
As Portland continues to become more expensive, Biddeford is one of the surrounding towns that is clearly benefitting.
Affordable apartments are becoming more difficult to find, houses are creeping toward impossible to buy and something just as simple as lack of parking have begun to drive Portland hopefuls to find alternative options.
One of those options, Biddeford, has been taking advantage, as new restaurants and shops have been popping up in the downtown area. And that growth doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.
According to the Journal Tribune, Biddeford will welcome a brand new Starbucks location as well as a new Five Guys Burgers location within the next few months. Up until recently, major franchises like Starbucks and Five Guys have stuck to primarily operating in Portland, but demand is changing.
The new Starbucks location will be going in at the Five Points intersection. It calls for a new building that will include a drive-thru, with construction almost immediately. The Journal Tribune reports the new Five Guys location will move into a space across from the Shops at Biddeford Crossing and should be open sometime in June.
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