Fees For Meters, Garages In Portland Could See A Hike This Summer
Portland is already a tough city to park in. As development continues to take place, parking spots continue to disappear. And the parking spots that do stick around, have become more expensive. Unfortunately, that trend isn't about to change. According to WGME, the City Of Portland has plans to raise prices for parking meters and parking garages as soon as this summer.
The City of Portland submitted their 2019 budget proposal that included a couple of price hikes on something many commuters and visitors to Portland use often, meters and garages. In the case of parking meters, the price would raise by 25 cents per hour. For parking garages, the price would raise $1 per hour and for those that have monthly spaces, $10 per month.
The City of Portland says the price increases are "in-line" with other cities across the country, But outside of some of Maine's most attractive seasonal destinations, Portland is by far the most expensive city in Maine year-round for parking. The budget proposal does still need to be approved before the parking fee increases can go into effect on July 1st.