Portland Moving Company To Help People In Domestic Violence Situations Move For Free
It isn't an easy subject to talk about, but it's an important one. Domestic violence continues to be a serious problem in our society and for many domestic violence survivors, there's incredible difficulty in moving on with their life when it comes to these incidents. That's why one moving company in Portland would like to help and will soon offer moving services for free for those escaping a domestically or sexually violent living situation.
Local Muscle Moving Co. took to Facebook to announce a new program called Move Out, Move Forward. Local Muscle explained in their Facebook post that their movers will be taking classes to better understand these often complex and complicated situations and what it will take to move someone out of them.
Local Muscle also explained who they'll be partnering with.
We are currently working with Through These Doors and Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine, who will act as our liaisons to the community, and we have plans to grow the program and work with other shelters and organizations throughout the state of Maine (and beyond).
Local Muscle also posted this important piece of information as well.
f you are in need of moving assistance of this nature, please contact Through These Doors (207-874-1196) or SARSSM (1-800-871-7741), and they will determine how we can all work together to get you moving onto the next stage of life. Please do not contact LM directly for this type of assistance, as we do not have the resources or knowledge like TTD or SARSSM.
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