This Car In Maine Really Stands Out For Multiple ReasonsThis Car In Maine Really Stands Out For Multiple ReasonsIn a state of filthy license plates, check out these eye-opening bumper stickers found on the back of this hot pink car in MaineJoeyJoey
Have To Imagine This Car In Maine Gets A Lot Of HonksHave To Imagine This Car In Maine Gets A Lot Of HonksForget vanity plates, this truck in Maine has a bumper sticker that should be considered an instant classic. Take a look. JoeyJoey
This Bumper Sticker About Maine Seems A Tad Bit HarshThis Bumper Sticker About Maine Seems A Tad Bit HarshThere are realities, and then there are HARSH realities. We're just not willing to believe this bumper sticker about Maine is true. JoeyJoey
A Bumper Sticker Seen In Waterville Has Some Really Sage AdviceA Bumper Sticker Seen In Waterville Has Some Really Sage AdviceSpotted in Waterville, this bumper sticker is a pretty clear reminder that family planning can be really important. JoeyJoey
Sticker Spotted In MaineSticker Spotted In MaineBumper stickers can be a lot of things, but this particular one spotted in Maine may top the list for "too much information".JoeyJoey