The Holy Donut To Replace Bill’s Pizza In Portland’s Old Port
Over the weekend, Bill's Pizza announced that they would be vacating Portland's Old Port and their longtime home on Commercial Street to focus their attention on their Old Orchard Beach location. The news was met with some shock and sadness, as Bill's was a late night destination for many Old Port revelers for generations. But before Bill's Pizza even closes up shop on February 28th, we know exactly who will be filling the vacated space. The Holy Donut.
Through a press release shared on Facebook, The Holy Donut announced their return to Portland's Old Port after a short absence. They vacated their location on Exchange Street citing concerns over the pandemic, but promised a return if the right space made its self available. A prime location along Commercial Street is a tough space to pass up, and The Holy Donut didn't hesitate to make it theirs.
With additional space inside the shop as well as more parking options nearby, The Holy Donut felt like this Commercial Street location could serve their loyal patrons better than their former home on Exchange Street. Turning a pizza shop into a donut shop will take time, and the Holy Donut has promised updates on when their new location will open. It appears opening prior to the summer season is the goal.
For Portland, it's a piece of good news to a prevalent business return to the Old Port. The hope is that you'll hear a lot more news about openings in the coming months rather than closings.